Sunday, June 3, 2007

We have BABIES!

I hope everyone is having a wonderful GTS! We had big storms last night and
woke up to a beautiful morning. My plants are just loving all the rain. A nearby lake
(from which we get our city water) is actually 3 ft above normal.
This is big, since it was down 18 ft. at this time last year.
I went outside this morning to check on all my plant friends and was tickled pink
to find babies. This is a new fig tree I purchased in the Hill Country a couple
of months ago. I didn't expect figs this year, but low and behold, here they are!


ACey said...

beautiful tree - still on my wish list.

Michelle said...

On my wishlist as well!! :)

Whyite said...

That would be nice to have a fig tree. Congrats.

Anonymous said...

yay for figs! What a delightful surprise to find. :0)

Anonymous said...

Funny you should mention babies and Fig tree in the same post. See my post with same words in it but a bit different!

Maybe your tree we'll have babies like this one day :-)

Babies climbing the figure tree

Christa said...

Oh, lucky you!! Figs are such a treat.

Ladyseashells said...

Oh lucky you. Congrats! and if there's extra shoot them this way.

Molly said...

oooh, baby figs! I've had a fig tree for several years now but it has never set fruit.